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February 28, 2025

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How to Build a Backyard Fire Pit - Step-by-Step Guide

Want to liven up your backyard? Building a fire pit is aquick weekend project that can turn your dull outdoor space into an attractiveentertainment area. Your family and friends will love roasting hot dogs andtoasting marshmallows around the fire during warm summer evenings. 

While this project is relatively inexpensive and doesn’trequire too many tools, it’s a bit labor-intensive. Review this guide for howto build a backyard fire pit; if the job feels outside your wheelhouse, turn toCitiscapes, LLC, for backyard landscaping in Phoenix, AZ.

1. Gather All Materials andEquipment 

Creating an outdoor fire feature requires just two essentialmaterials. You’ll need bricks or large stones to form the perimeter and gravelto make up the base. If preferred, you can add an inner layer of firebricks andmortar to connect the stones, but neither is necessary for a basic fire pitdesign. Check out backyard fire pit ideas for inspiration on the types ofbricks to use. 

Meanwhile, you will need a shovel and a level as equipment.You may also appreciate having a wheelbarrow to transport the stones and atamper to flatten the dirt.

2. Mark Out the Circular Perimeter of thePit 

Select a location for your backyard gathering spot that isfar enough away from trees, plants, and other structures. Then, use the shovelto carve out a circle. 

To create a perfect circle, insert a stake into the centerof the gathering area and tie a string to your desired radius. Attach a trowelto the end of the string, then rotate it around the stake, creating a divot inthe grass every few inches. 

You can eyeball the circle if you like. Just make it a fewinches wider than your preferred pit size to leave some wiggle room.

3. Shovel the Grass Out of theCircle 

You shouldn’t build a stone fire pit on top of the grass.Instead, you want a flat, level surface that allows the stones to sit severalinches below the surrounding lawn. 

The next step in how to build a backyard fire pit is toremove the grass from the circular area. You can remove anywhere between sixand 12 inches of dirt; just try to be consistent to save time in the nextstep. 

Call before you dig! It’s always smart to call 811 before digging. The utilitycompany will come to your property and mark the utility lines hidden beneaththe ground, helping you avoid them. 

4. Flatten the Circle With a Shovel orTamper

After removing dirt from the circle, use a tamper or theback of the shovel to compact the ground and flatten the surface. A level canhelp you check your work.

If you are having trouble achieving a flat surface, use theshovel to remove more dirt or add some back into low spots. The ground needs tobe level to meet fire safety guidelines. 

5. Pour the Gravel Into the Pit 

Next, add a thick layer of gravel to your DIY fire pit. Youmay need to use several bags of gravel to achieve a layer that is a few inchesthick. Spread the rocks using the shovel, then double-check that the surface isstill level before proceeding. 

6. Stack the Bricks or Large Stones 

Finally, you’re ready to build your backyard fire pit. Laythe bricks or large rocks in a circle around the perimeter of the pit, leavingan inch or two of gravel on the outer side. Then, stack two more layers ofbricks on top of the circle, spacing them strategically for even weightdistribution. 

Don’t Hesitate To Turn to theProfessionals for Assistance 

Now that you know how to build a backyard firepit, you may have other ideas forhardscape landscapingor prefer turning to professionals for thejob. Citiscapes, LLC, can bring your dreams for your outdoor space to life.Contact us today at 602-616-6938 to schedule a free consultation.