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July 17, 2024

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Sustainable Landscaping Solutions

Does Landscaping Increase Home Value? What You Need to Know

Everyone enjoys beautiful gardens and patios, but will astunning landscape translate into economic value? As it turns out, the answerto “Does landscaping increase home value?” is definitely “Yes,” especially ifyou’re planning to put your home on the market soon.

Whether you want to upgrade your landscape before a homesale or for other reasons, Citiscapes, LLC, our Fountain Hills’ reliable landscaping company, can help you make theoptimal choices for your outdoor areas.

An Attractive Landscape Can Help EnticeBuyers

Curb appeal is a powerful factor when you list your home forsale. Whether people look at your listing online or drive through theneighborhood and spot the “For Sale” sign in your front yard, your landscapecan catch their attention. 

Of course, your home’s outdoors won’t be the only elementthat makes or breaks a deal. Nevertheless, it can create a powerful positiveimpression that paves the way to a purchase agreement.

Landscaping Can (Potentially) Get You aBetter Deal on Your Home

Different sources have various opinions on how much of anadvantage a well-landscaped property has over a similar house with nolandscape. The consensus is that a tastefully designed, properly maintainedlandscape can increase your home’s perceived value by around 10% to 12%.

With the median home listing currently hovering around $625,000 in Fountain Hills, AZ, this could easily translate into tens ofthousands of dollars added to the price a buyer is willing to pay for yourhome.

Does Landscaping Deliver Good Return onInvestment?

“Does landscaping increase home value?” can be a trickyquestion. If you plan to continue living in your home, you may invest inlandscaping for your own enjoyment or convenience. You could add an expensivefeature like an outdoor kitchen or a large swimming pool regardless of itseffect on your property’s value down the road.

However, if you’re thinking about landscaping as you prepareto sell your home, cost will be a chief consideration. To deliver a profit, thepotential value landscaping adds to your home needs to be higher than what youspend on a landscape upgrade. In this scenario, it’s probably wiser to focus onbasics like plants, mulch, and walkways.


Making Smart Landscaping Choices

What landscaping projects should you go for to raise yourproperty’s value? Your choices will probably depend on your property’s size andcurrent landscape. You should also consider:

  • Curb appeal. Sometimes, a simple upgrade, like planting a few shrubs or adding outdoor lighting, can make your home look more attractive.
  • Climate. The arid climate of Fountain Hills calls for landscaping solutions like drought-tolerant native plants, xeriscaping, rock gardens, and drip irrigation. 
  • Preferences. If your outdoor project is sale-oriented, choose a landscape design that appeals to various people.
  • Maintenance. A low-maintenance landscape can be a great selling point with many buyers, in contrast with features that require a lot of work, like rose bushes or koi ponds.
  • Budget. Always keep your budget in mind and choose landscaping projects you can afford.

When Should You Start Investing in YourLandscape?

There’s no better time than today. Mature landscapes withestablished trees and plans usually look more harmonious than newly plantedones.

A healthy, well-tended landscape that has stood the test oftime adds appeal to your home. You’ll enjoy it while you stay in your home, andwhenever you choose to sell, potential buyers will appreciate the time andeffort they’re saving by getting a ready-made landscape.

Boost Your Property’s Value With anOutdoor Transformation by Citiscapes, LLC

Does landscaping increase home value? It can if you do itright. At Citiscapes, LLC, we provide the full scope of high-qualitylandscaping services in the Phoenix metro area. We offer landscape design andinstallation, hardscaping, and sustainable landscaping to make your home moreeco-friendly and attractive. 

Call 602-616-6938 or complete our quick onlineform for a free quote.